Business Advisory
Business Restructuring & Re-Organisation
When a business reaches a new stage in its development, one may need to change its organization. By way of example, as the end of the start-up phase comes along and one begins to focus on developing the business, the need to create a formal structure so that the company is better positioned to achieve its objectives may be felt. We understand the importance of introducing a solid organizational structure that will help our clients stay in the driving seat while their business expands.
The basic nature of restructuring is a zero-sum game. We are fully aware as to how delicate a restructuring exercise can be. Consequently, at Promethean Advisory Limited we strive to:
- ensure the company has enough liquidity to operate during the implementation of a complete restructuring;
- produce accurate working capital forecast;
- provide open and transparent lines of communication with creditors who mainly control the company's ability to raise financing;
- update detailed business plan and considerations.
Moreover, as a business continues developing and refining its strategy, it also needs to align its internal structures to meet the new requirements. Organizational improvements can range from minor adjustments to significant reorganizations of functions or departments. We at Promethean Advisory Limited adopt the maxim that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. We thus recognize that reorganizations are essential to keep our clients ahead of the competition. All reorganizations require careful planning to ensure the shape of the new business will successfully deliver the defined strategy and goals.
At Promethean Advisory Limited, we offer consultancy about the following spheres of expertise:
- business planning and modeling;
- preparation and evaluation of management information;
- business process analysis and improvement, identifying operational inefficiencies;
- developing and implementing strategic plans, including turn-around strategies;
- developing risk-measurement strategies, risk management plans, crisis handling, and disaster recovery planning.