
Residence & Relocation

Permanent Residence

Once the EEA national (and his/her family members) has lived in Malta for a continuous period of five years s/he is entitled to apply for confirmation of permanent residence. It is required that s/he has been living legally in Malta and has been in employment, or self-employment, or as a student or economically self-sufficient person throughout the five years. For residence in Malta to be considered continuous, one must not have been absent from Malta for more than six (6) consecutive months each year and shall not exceed a total of ten (10) months within the five (5) year period. Extended absences may be considered, at discretion of the Minister, for reasons of work, business travel, medical treatment or further study.


Residence permits to third-country nationals (TCNs) are issued in a standalone plastic card with electronic features. Residence permits are issued to TCNs authorized to reside in Malta for a specific purpose. This purpose could be:
  • Employment;
  • Self-employment;
  • Economic self-sufficiency;
  • Studying in Malta;
  • Retired; and
  • in Malta for other purposes.
The applicant has to present the necessary documents supporting his/her claim – a copy of a work permit for employment, a copy of a work permit/trading license for self-employment, and hospital or medical certification in the case of health reasons, amongst other matters documents.

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